Janesville | 847 994 4388 | Fireplace Cleaning & Chimney Service

Fireplace Cleaning & Chimney sweep monkey in Janesville wi

Get in touch City of Janesville, WI!

🔥 Dear residents of Janesville, WI,

We’d like to inform you that our dedicated Fireplace Cleaning & Chimney Service is currently under temporary suspension within your city. However, your safety and chimney well-being remain our top priorities.

While we may not be available to serve you directly at this moment, we want to ensure you still have access to exceptional chimney care. We highly recommend reaching out to a local NCSG (National Chimney Sweep Guild) member sweep in your community. These professionals adhere to the industry’s highest standards and will provide you with the expertise and service you deserve.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support,
Chimney Monkey Team #ChimneyCare #SafetyFirst

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